Marketing Mosaic Blog

Marketing and communication tips and trends from the experts.

Website Performance

The High-Cost of a Low-Performing Website

If your website isn’t delivering the visitors, leads and customers your organization needs to be successful, it’s likely that your virtual front door not only needs a little work, but it could actually be costing you business. But, have you given much thought to the true cost that an underperforming site has on your business?…

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5 Signs Your Website Needs an Overhaul

If you have been concerned that your website performance is not as strong as it should be, you are certainly not alone. But, how do you know if it’s time for an overhaul? These five signs should help you decide: 1. You haven’t received a sales lead via your Contact Us form in 6 months….

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Hands Typing on Computer

Social Media Conversation Starters

One of the things we often hear from current and prospective clients who have either not yet joined the conversation on social media, or who are struggling to maintain a regular presence on key channels is, “We’re not sure we have much to talk about.” However, millions of people engage “socially” every day to research…

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Generate more quality sales leads

Four Steps to Generating More Quality Sales Leads

Wouldn’t it be great if new customers came to you? No matter what business you’re in, success depends on sales, and sales depend on quality leads. The dilemma: only 1 in 10 marketers feel that their lead generation campaigns are truly effective…but they’re not sure what’s not working. That’s where a tried and true methodology…

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International business

How to Grow Your Business Through International Marketing

More than 70 percent of the world’s purchasing power resides outside the United States. That fact isn’t lost on small and medium sized companies which represent 98 percent of the U.S. firms reaching across borders to sell their products and services. If you are one of them, you know that entering the export market comes…

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International business

Best Practices to Grow Your International Business

Today, we launched our latest free guide for international marketers to learn what’s new, what’s working for other companies and what they ought to check out for their own organizations when evaluating their international business marketing efforts. The guide includes tips on inbound and outbound marketing, website development and global search engine optimization (SEO) strategies….

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3 Key Steps to Navigate From Traditional to Digital Marketing

One of the biggest hurdles for organizations today is to re-balance their marketing mix between traditional and digital channels and tactics. This is particularly stressful for the many companies and nonprofits whose leaders are aging Baby Boomers struggling to keep up with the digital marketing ecosystem. With stakeholders ranging from Boomers to Gen Y, it’s…

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Generate more quality sales leads

Irresistible Content is the Best Hook to Land New Customers

If you’re frustrated that your webmaster’s efforts to improve SEO on your website are not helping you to land new customers, you’re not alone. Think about it. When you’re searching for a product, service, or an answer to your latest problem, what do you do? You Google it, right? Of course, that’s what everyone does…for…

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When it’s Time to Rebrand Your Company

There are times when it is obvious that you need to change your company’s identity, such as after a merger or when a partner joins or leaves a firm bearing his/her name. And then, there are the other times, when you know your brand strategy doesn’t quite fit or perform as well as you would…

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Appealing to global markets – it’s not as difficult as you think

It isn’t nearly as complex or expensive to localize content and communication for global markets as many business leaders think it is. The return on investment is well worth it for most consumer and B2B brands. Find out why in this story from Forbes.

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